Answer: is their any options to answer your question
What are you trying to ask...
You didn't include the original function, but the new function will contain something like:
function kelvin_to_celsius(k)
return k - 273.15;
Depending of course on your programming language.
The outcome for negative Kelvin is undefined, you could test for that.
Answer: The FP-s are stored as sign (1.)111111111111 - number of bits.
Also 24 bits resolution there can be 23 zeros
The –1·2²⁴ might be stored as -1 · 1.00000000000000000000000(1 ←the 2⁰), it depends on how the FFP “engine” manages this, it may also be code specific a n+1–n does return 1 but 1–n+n does not. you should carry out a test for a specific compiler/computer
This is what javascript does with double (k+=1; n-=1) e.g
the (k+=2; n-=2) should be used to pass ±0x20000000000000
The RFID or the radio frequency identification is an electronic device that stores information electronically. It stores and makes available the information which is stored electromagnetically, once the user is authenticated.
This technology is implemented in market places and other individual activities. It is implemented in cards called smart card for ease of payment transaction and promote online commerce (e-commerce). It is also implemented in smartphones.