Panchopachar is five ingredients used for worshiping God, dashopachar is the ten ingredients used for worshiping God and shodashopachar is the 16 ingredients used for worshiping God.
It is usually done by some of the religion especially in Nepal...
I believe the answer is: b. a sense of urgency, which causes a person to take action.
This is the basic difference between needs and wants. When a need is unfulfilled, people would experience a certain level of threat to their survival , which is why it create a sense of urgency to fulfill. Examples of needs are food. drinks, and shelter.
B) proactive interference
proactive interference is tendency of previous learning to interrupt current learning.
since here, varian's previous learning of Latin is making him difficult to grasp Greek. It can be well explained by proactive interference.
motivated forgetting happens when people try to forget certain things which they find irrelevant either unconsciously or consciously
proactive interference is phenomenon in which current learning hinders the learning of previous learnt knowledge.
temporary amnesia also known as transient amnesia is phenomenon in which a person losses memory before, during and after sometime of the event(the particular event which one is not able to remember).
Nationalism in Europe rose during the 1800s as a result of political turmoil. The French and American revolutions played a major role in giving the existing European populations the courage to unite in order to overthrow the existing governing structures and develop new governmental structures based on liberty and national identity. The core essence of Nationalism is that of national identity. People of a similar culture or race or religion group together to form a cohesive unit based on their similarities.
88% of rocks are almost completely devoid of fossils
Precambrian era which means "Before the Cambrian period". Geologists have found that there are some hard to discern fossils in some Precambrian rocks. Precambrian covers almost 90% of the entire history of the Earth whereby 88% of rocks are almost completely devoid of fossils which has been divided into three eras: The Hadean, The Archean and The Proterozoic