una bellissima opera, credo una delle migliori dell'arte contemporanea
The Greek/Latin affix auto- means self or the same.
- Autobiography: a biography that the author writes about themselves.
- Autonomy: self-governing; the right/power for self-government. In Greek, nomos means law - therefore, it is the power to make our own laws.
- Autocracy: a state or society where one person has the unlimited governing power. In Greek, kratein means ruling.
- Autograph: one's own signature. (Graphein - to write.)
- Autodidact: a self-taught person. (Didaskein - to teach.)
Traditional music itself is a mixture of music collaborated from immigrants, included from Africa (slavery, of course, plays a part), England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. There may be more not mentioned, but many of the traditional (or old-timey) music influences modern folk music.
Rococo style is characterized by elaborate ornamentation, asymmetrical values, pastel color palette, and curved or serpentine lines. Rococo artworks often depict themes of love, classical myths, youth, and playfulness.