A possible cause of schizotypal personality disorder is a family history of schizophrenia disorders or other mental health conditions.
Schizotypal personality disorder is characterized by unusual or eccentric behavior in its sufferers, who typically have few or no intimate connections. Most of the time, they are unaware of how connections develop or how their actions affect others. They might also misjudge the intentions and actions of others, leading to a strong mistrust of them. They may have delusions but do not have hallucinations.
To know more about schizotypal personality disorder here
The executive branch agencies develop requests for funds and submit to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
The president and the OMB review requests and make fiscal decisions about what goes into the budget. The budget is then printed and sent to Congress.
January-September (of the following year)
The budget committees in the House and the Senate review the proposed budget. By April 15th, the committees prepare the initial resolution for the budget. The initial resolution then goes to Congress for debate. By September 25th, the congressional budget should be finalized.
October 1
The fiscal year begins.
October 1-September 30
This is the fiscal year. The agency program managers implement budget and disperse funds.
The data on the actual spending and receipts for the completed fiscal year becomes available. The Government Accountability Office also audits the fiscal-year outlays.
You need to tell us which countries your referring to
IOUs from government - buy a piece of paper from government with promised interest rate - money goes to help government with task or project - most famous ones are for war.
what the bank holds on to - does not loan out
deemed acceptable by bankers - viewed as low risk in borrowing money.
chance you take that investment will or will not work out; also can be chance you take in anything like possibility of being injured or getting sick.
when you explain to insurance company about what happened
Monthly payment to have insurance coverage
Purchasing Power
strength or value of money - affects how much you can buy
act of or status from borrowing money or taking out loan from financial institution (not from friends or family)
list of investments
Installment Plan
breaking something into multiple payments so that large sum not due at once
Mutual Funds
money pooled or collected from multiple investors to purchase securities or investments
coverage for 'what if' - helps split risks among multiple people
what must be paid out of pocket before insurance company will cover costs.
Credit Union
non-profit member run financial institution
percentage charged on top of a loan
the united states hoped the containment policy would help contain communism in other countries. Such as in the Vietnam war, The Korean War, in China, and in Russia.