The moon, sun, river, clouds, mountain, rain, water and so on.
Water from ponds and lakes is moved into the air during evaporation. During the process of evaporation, water changes from a liquid (water) to a gas (water vapor).
that is the correct answer
directional selection
The directional selection is a type of Darwinian selection where a particular phenotype is favored in the population, thereby modifying the allelic frequencies to increase the proportion of the favored phenotype. <em>Biston betularia</em>, also known as peppered moth, is a species that was influenced by directional selection in its recent past. Before the industrial revolution, the frequency of light-colored moths was predominant compared to the darker-colored phenotypes, because this color has higher adaptive fitness in a clean, no pollution environment, thereby light-colored moths were able to avoid predatory birds. However, during the industrial revolution, the frequency of dark-colored moths increased in response to pollution (i.e. darker environment), thereby conferring a higher adaptive fitness to darker phenotypes.
It would turn black. H H 6. It would not turn black. does Briefly explain why you chose either a or b. Because it does not contain courbon or any such compound which change color upon heating
Answer is Deletion because the second G was deleted from the original strand