If you require a return of 9.7 percent on the company’s stock, you will pay $47.61 for a share today .
Price today = Present Value of Dividends
Present Value of Dividends :
Year Dividend Discounting Factor(9.7%)
0 3.0000
1 8.00 0.9115770282588880
2 13.00 0.8309726784493050
3 18.00 0.7574956047851460
4 23.00 0.6905155923292130
year Present Value(Dividend* Discounting factor)
1 7.2926162260711000
2 10.8026448198410000
3 13.6349208861326000
4 15.8818586235719000
Present Value of Dividends 47.612040555616600
Therefore, If you require a return of 9.7 percent on the company’s stock, you will pay $47.61 for a share today .