Answer: Population momentum
Population momentum is the representation of the growth rate that shows growth of population even if the factors such children born by women, fertility rate,reproduction is effected and reduced.
This rate tends to increase due to present scenario of childbearing population range of people. Population momentum can be extracted from population age structure.
All Forms Are Valid
Assuming the traditional view of existential import, categorical syllogism has all forms valid.
The traditional view of A and E prepositions are areas where existential assumption arises from.
Categorical syllogism forms are all valid because all syllogisms which are of the same form are equally valid or invalid. This validity is as a result of evaluating the traditional view of existential import.
To truly evaluate the validity of categorical syllogism, the following can be carried out :
1. Make a drawing of three overlapping circles and label each to represent major, minor and middle.
2. Make drawings of both syllogism's premises
3. Without drawing anything, look out for drawing of conclusion. Conclusion is done without drawing anything.
1. 5N
2. Yes
3. Towards boy A (the one pulling with 10 N)