The onion model, which elaborates on social penetration as a process by which people "peel back" layers of personal knowledge about others through interpersonal interaction to reach the core, is a good metaphor for explaining how social penetration theory functions.
To learn about someone's "core self," or the most private aspects of that person takes time. The surface of a person that is visible to many others is their public image. The innermost parts of a person, known only to close relationships through disclosure over time, constitute the private self.
The surface, medium, inner, and core personality layers are only a few of the levels that are described by the social penetration hypothesis. Rather superficial information, like preferences for certain types of music and clothing, makes up the superficial layers. In computer-mediated communication contexts like online dating and virtual teams, the theory has also been applied.
To learn more about the social penetration theory:
Schemata consist of: frameworks for organizing ideas in memory.
Schemata according to cognitive psychology is a stored set of knowledge with which the incoming information interacts, it has a consistent internal structure that organizes the incoming information in a particular way, that is, a scheme is an organized pattern of thought and preconceived ideas, it is our particular way of thinking and seeing the world that guides our emotions and unconsciously conditions our behavior. It is in the long-term memory where the permanent storage of information occurs whose capacity is considered unlimited. Our memory contains a large amount of information organized in the form of scheme, arranged by themes and constitute models that describe specific situations or information.
The Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event, or the K-T event, is the name given to the die-off of the dinosaurs and other species that took place some 65.5 million years ago. For many years, paleontologists believed this event was caused by climate and geological changes that interrupted the dinosaurs’ food supply. However, in the 1980s, father-and-son scientists Luis (1911-88) and Walter Alvarez (1940-) discovered in the geological record a distinct layer of iridium–an element found in abundance only in space–that corresponds to the precise time the dinosaurs died. This suggests that a comet, asteroid or meteor impact event may have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. In the 1990s, scientists located the massive Chicxulub Crater at the tip of Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula, which dates to the period in question.
Dinosaurs roamed the earth for 160 million years until their sudden demise some 65.5 million years ago, in an event now known as the Cretaceous-Tertiary, or K-T, extinction event. (“K” is the abbreviation for Cretaceous, which is associated with the German word “Kreidezeit.”) Besides dinosaurs, many other species of mammals, amphibians and plants died out at the same time. Over the years, paleontologists have proposed several theories for this extensive die-off. One early theory was that small mammals ate dinosaur eggs, thereby reducing the dinosaur population until it became unsustainable. Another theory was that dinosaurs’ bodies became too big to be operated by their small brains. Some scientists believed a great plague decimated the dinosaur population and then spread to the animals that feasted on their carcasses. Starvation was another possibility: Large dinosaurs required vast amounts of food and could have stripped bare all the vegetation in their habitat. But many of these theories are easily dismissed. If dinosaurs’ brains were too small to be adaptive, they would not have flourished for 160 million years. Also, plants do not have brains nor do they suffer from the same diseases as animals, so their simultaneous extinction makes these theories less plausible.
The emotion being expressed by Selena is called empathy. Empathy
is putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. You feel the emotion that other
people is feeling. Having this feeling is giving you the capability to comprehend
and take part the feelings of another person or individual.