epic simile
a simile compares 2 things using word like"like" or "as"
in this case the simile compared the goddess Athena to a brd in soaring flight using the word "like"
If you are referring his defeat at the end against the dragon, that is because of his hubris. He was too proud and believed that he could do it alone without his soldiers. This brings his defeat and he realizes that he will die because of his hubris, after which Wyglaf will take over since he was the only one brave enough to help.
By combining English and Spanish, her two native languages
A scientist using ordinary decimal notation would have to write the diameter of, say, a helium atom as 0.000 000 000 062 m and the distance to the moon as 340 000 000 m.There would be way too much zeros to write
The reason behind this imagery being more powerful is that it provides an emphasis in the form of subjective description, interpretation, and comparison to express an idea.
Imagery is a stylistic device to develop a description based on personal perception using objects of reference to represent the one the author talks about to make an emphasis on its appearance. It is a very good instrument to profound in the description because it allows us to establish comparisons, taking as reference objects and events that are not connected to the initial idea.