electron microscope
An electron microscope is a microscope that uses a beam of accelerated electrons as a source of illumination. As the wavelength of an electron can be up to 100,000 times shorter than that of visible light photons, electron microscopes have a higher resolving power than light microscopes and can reveal the structure of smaller objects.
Explanation:the electron transport chain can be considered to be an aerobic pathway because it utilizes free oxygen as its final electron acceptor. These free oxygen is liberated by intermediate glucose molecules.
• Offspring are genetically identical to parent-asexual reproduction
Fungi reproduce asexually on different ways such as fragmentation, budding, or producing spores(asexual spores, which are produced by one parentand thus, genetically identical to that parent).
• Offspring genetically distinct-sexual reproduction
Sexual reproduction introduces genetic In fungi, there are two ways(two mating types):both mating types are present in the same mycelium (homothallic) or mycelia require two different mycelia (heterothallic).
Consider the sequence ATGACATGCAATTGA.
Originally, there are 5 codons, translating to a minimum of 5 amino acids: ATG CAT GTC AAT TGA.
A base was inserted after the first G and the third T was deleted, the sequence become (assuming A is the inserted base);
<em>Only the second and the the third codon are changed and hence, their respective amino acid.</em>
Thailand is a kingdom in Southeast Asian country and Thailand is known for his tropical beaches, ancient places and the figures of Buddha and the official language of Thailand is Thai and here we will discuss about the places to visit in Thailand
<u>1.Thailand Island</u>
- Thailand Island is known for its wonderful and attractive beaches throughout the world, and it is known for his party atmosphere on the beach.
- And there are three main sets of the island and the Phuket is the most developed and longest island in Thailand.
- Bangkok is the capital city of Thailand and it mostly consists of high buildings, ancient temples, busy market streets lined up with lots of vendors and Bangkok is always a jostled place to visit
<u>3.Chiang Mai</u>
- Chiang Mai is one of the places in Thailand attracted by the tourist, and lots of tourists wish to explore the pretty and beautiful landscapes and people explore the adventures with the ethnic group of hill climbers
- Ayuthaya was a splendid site in Thailand which consists of more than four hundred temples and the places were founded in 1350 and it is a major attraction for tourist and visitors