Karl Marx promoted the idea or the principle that by
pursuing your own self – interest in a free market, you would actually be
working for the common good. This principle is self – centered which means you
need to start with your self interest in order that the common good of the
society will be achieved.
The answer is Super Mario Bros. It is a platform video game established and distributed by Nintendo for the Nintendo Entertainment System home console. Out as a sequel to the 1983 game Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. was at large in Japan and North America in 1985, and in Europe and Australia two years later.
The Soviet Union dominated Central and Eastern Europe during the Cold War. After World War II, it formed the Warsaw Pact, a military alliance of European communist states meant to counter NATO. ... When the war ended, Soviet troops occupied several Central and Eastern European states, including the eastern part of Germany.
The Colombians reject the treaty but at that time the people of Panama wanted to be an independent nation and free from Colombia so they revolted. The US struck a deal with Panama and promised to ensure the independence of Panama and lease the land where they would build the Canal. The Panama people accepted this and granted the rights to the US.