Both are equally as important. It’s great to learn from your own mistakes because you suffer the consequence or thrive in the reward. But same for learning from others. If you are surrounded by people who are a bad influence, they may suffer the consequences of their actions and you will know not to make the same mistake they did. If you surround yourself with a good group of people, they may be rewarded for something they did or an achievement they reached, so it may encourage you to do better or be a better person like your friends.
Steve wanted to play professional basketball, however he was only 5'8.
Literature can be a very effective form of social commentary. Moreover, it can motivate people to change their social reality through an increase of awareness.
When we read a story that resembles our own reality, we are able to gain some perspective because of the distance that we put between the characters and us. It can also highlight aspects of our social situation that we had not noticed before.
A common example is <em>Uncle Tom's Cabin</em>, a novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe, which greatly contributed to the social condemnation of slavery. Similarly, George Orwell's novels, such as <em>Animal Farm</em> and <em>1984</em>, have been very relevant in helping people realize the dangers of extremism and totalitarianism.
probably because when you get money your happy because you can buy things
I always like to begin that kind of a speech with some way to relate to the listeners. For example, if you're writing about how much it annoys you when your sister leaves her clothes on the floor, you might begin by asking "How many of you have siblings?" and then continue to add on to that. It makes your audience feel more like you're talking <em>to </em>them, and not so much <em>at </em>them.