12:00 pm yet more often than not it relies on upon how you are measuring time. Time zones are a little more than 1000 miles wide at the equator. So when it turns 12 twelve at the equator, the sun unmistakably can't be at its most elevated height for each spot along an extend of 1000 miles at a similar moment. In any case, by definition, the sun is at its most noteworthy every day at sunlight based twelve.
Play around with the words. Poems don't always have to rhyme however, you could start by 'I met a guy at GRA', and continue from there.
By my knowledge, you can do all of the above. some colleges reimburse you for whatever money you pay to fly into the school if you live far away. tours of the campus are usually included in a visit and you can typically request to sit in on a college class, though that's sometimes restricted and depends on the school.
think you got the right one
pls brainliest