Dionysia was a large festival honoring the god of dionysus in ancient Athens and Greek,god of wine, music, drama and some referred to him as God of fertility. The festival mainly began with a procession through the city. This festival has evolved into today's theater which is a collaborative form of art involving performances, music, drama by actors and actresses to present life scenarios or imagined situations.
The Confederacy didn't want to use African Americans and other slaves as soldiers because it feared rebellion.
So they resorted to using only their people, the natives so as to avoid any needless confrontations.
Wyoming, West Virginia, Pennsylvania
1)<span>farmers harvested crops that exceeded their local needs and they wanted to expand into new markets
</span>2) The petition of the territory of Missouri for admission to the union as a slave state.
My final answer is A and C
Be a U.S. citizen.
Be a resident of the Arizona county listed on your registration.
Be at least 18 years old on or before the date of the next general election.
NOT be convicted of a felony (or have had your civil rights restored).
NOT be declared "incompetent" by a court.