The word 'available' does not suggest an intense tone
A metaphor would be a figure of speech which makes an implicit or hidden comparison between two things that are unrelated but share common traits.
Example: the assignment was a piece of cake (which would mean the assignment was easy)
So comparing your family you could say they are a team cause they support you, or tree cause they are your roots I can't think of anything else but you get the idea!
Plagiarism- the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. it is also neglecting to include an accurate citation
Cassius doesn't want Mark Antony to say anything because he doesn't trust him and he thinks Mark Antony will make matter worse and make them look bad but Brutus allows him to because he believes it will show people that they are not evil and that they did everything in the good interest of Rome.
playing/ you don't change anything for this one
surveyed/ nothing here either
swayed/ nope don't change anything
supplied/ drop the y and change it to an i- just like a little song and you'll remember it easily