1. <u>smilie</u> - A smilie compares things using like or as, in this case <em>"furnace was like a magnet" </em>
2. <u>personification</u> - When you personify something, you are giving it human like traits. A sweater can't actually hug someone, therefore it is being personified.
3. <u>metaphor</u> - Similar to a smilie, nut metaphors don't use like or as. The snow is being compared to a blanket.
4. <u>hyperbole</u> - Hyperboles are huge exaggerations on the truth. Obviously they won't sleep for a whole year, it's a light way of saying they are really tired.
5. <u>alliteration</u> - Alliteration is using the same letter of the start of the word. "winds whipped wondrously" all start with <em>W</em>.
<u>Disease</u>- something infectious or infected (<em>diseased</em>). It does not work properly. Not functioning, sick.
It comes from the Old French language.
It was originally spelled desaise.
Past Participle: Jaffa has run in more than a dozen marathons.
The past participle of the verb "run" is "run."