Explanation: Subject answers to a question Who? So in this case Tom is the one that did something, aka offered you a piece of cake.
An income statement or profit and loss account is one of the statements that shows the company’s revenue and expenses over a period of time.
the answer would be income statement
Foster states that "The fact is that we can only love what we know personally" and adds that Tolerance "merely means putting up with people, being able to stand things." It has always been human condition to succumb to feelings of love for an activity, family, a significant other and reject what requires tolerance to the new or the unknown. Foster stands up for tolerance as the means of reconstructing and which might unite races and peoples from the world. Love is enjoying people, things, places, a pleasant state. Tolerance, on the contrary, is to try to love what you do not like. There are many an example or situation in our daily life. Foster says that tolerance is wanted in the queue, at the telephone, perhaps when the boy nobody likes in class participates and expresses his opinion. The attempt to tolerate people can make a meaningful difference.
it is a loss if I don't brought I don't loss my the rupee the car is small variety
I was sitting down on the plane at the window seat . I looked out the window and I froze. I knew I was afraid of heights, but not this much. I wanted to sit by my Mom, but I can’t because apparently I have a act like a adult because little brother got to sit next to my mom. By little I mean born 1 minute after me, because we’re twins. I asked the man seating beside me,” Excuse me, Sir.” However instead of getting up and letting me walk he replied,”What’s the reason, kid,” in a deep tone, as if he was mad at me . I said,” None of your business.” That really got to him so he put a bag on top of me. I was about to scream, but he got this tape from thin air and taped my mouth. When we got off the plane, he took me. That’s when the security guard caught him off guard and now he got arrested, and I reunited with my family.