Positive Pion, Negative Pion and Neutral Pion
Pi-meson or also known as pion is one of any of the three (3) subatomic particles which characterizes of being unstable of its nature. The charged pions
decay with a mean lifetime of 26.033 nanoseconds or 2.6033×10−8 seconds, and the neutral pion
decays with a mean lifetime of 84 attoseconds (8.4×10−17 seconds).
When plates move away from each other it can cause rift valleys to form.
East Asia's coastal, island and peninsula area are similar as they lie on the Ring of Fire. Accordingly, every one of these territories has tremors and volcanoes. Be that as it may, they additionally have hot springs. These ranges are unique in relation to inland regions due to the elevation: the island is more tough and rocky than the beach front, island and promontory zones.
I’m pretty sure you just add AB to BC, since they are all points on a line, those two segments add together to get the value of AC. Therefore, 12+16= 28, so AC=28
Environmental Studies.
If you could drop Mount Everest (height: 8848 m) to the bottom of an ocean trench, would its summit reach the level of the ocean's abyssal plains? No, the Abyssal Plain is 4500 m down.