Although Jaguars are the biggest cats in North and South America, they are not invincible. Biologists have guessed that at least 64 jaguars have been killed in Arizona since the 1900’s. One of the reasons that jaguars are being killed is for everywhere is for their beautiful coat and teeth, which in some cultures is belived to protect the wearer from snakebites that is why
Hot and Rainy, Hot humid regions
Chemical weathering increases as temperatures rise and rain falls which means for rocks in hot and wet climates experience faster rates of chemical weathering rather than in cold or dry climates
I'm not so good at science but I believe just from the Internet and common sense that it could be found in Hawaii, Yellowstone, Iceland, and (not completely sure for last one) but maybe Pompeii. I know the first 3 are most likely correct but I'm not completely sure about Pompeii. Just look it up, lol
I’m waiting on that one too
bruh sorry what are you saying