was a Greek goddess of love, desire, procreation and beauty. In Rome, she is
Venus. Her origins of birth have two accounts. First is that she rose from the
sea inside a giant scallop or sea foam after Cronus castrated Uranus and threw
his genitals in the ocean. This would make Aphrodite part of the old gods were
Titans once prevailed. Another account is that she was a daughter of Zeus, god
of the Heavens, a new God after defeating Cronus and Dione, a goddess of
Oracles of Dodona. As if beauty isn’t enough to lure her suitors, Aphrodite also
has a girdle which attracts everyone around her.</span>
During this frothy time, the Dutch East India Company was worth 78 million Dutch guilders, which translates to a whopping $7.9 trillion in modern dollars
When countries enter pacts or alliances, theyre expected/obliged to support that country by either fighting with them or giving supplies. SImilar to how America is giving Ukraine money and weapons to help fight russia.