William Howard Taft is considered a "Trustbuster" because he administered over 70 antitrust suits against companies. He used the rule of law to solve many societal problems.
Manufacturing, and automated labor.
A lot of the jobs that required people to do things themselves have now been replaced by robots or by systems that require less people to operate. This can be seen heavily in the industrial revolution.
The Qin dynasty by Emperor Shi Huang Di.
Answer: He failed to land troops at Inchon successfully and was forced to retreat.
Truman didn't want to get China into the conflict from the start. General met with the President in October 1950. He assured the President that there would be no Chinese intervention. The opposite happened. The advance of the US and Allied troops stopped hundreds of thousands of soldiers from China. The communist regime feared that actions could extend to their country. This conflict meant an end for US General MacArthur, who remained remembered in history as a great strategist but also an extremely stubborn person.