The sodium-potassium pump is an active transporter because it needs to move sodium and potassium ions against the concentration gradient.
You have to think of it as outside vs inside the cell.
Outside the cell, you have 5mM K and 150mM Na. Inside the cell, you have 100mM K and 10mM sodium. Without the transporter then the ions would go from greater concentration to lower concentration. Energy keeps the ions going from the way they would naturally happen.
explosive is the word that would identify one stage of a volcanic activity
Karyotyping can be used to detect a variety of genetic disorders. For example, a woman who has premature ovarian failure may have a chromosomal defect that karyotyping can pinpoint. The test is also useful for identifying the Philadelphia chromosome. Hope this helps :)
While I'd skip the whole idea of reading specific bytes, if it's really worth while for your program you'll probably need to take charge of the file reading yourself so that you can keep track of exactly where you are in the file at all times.
Bacteria that metabolize NO2- to give rise to NH4+ belongs to the family of denitrifying bacteria and nitrate ammonification bacteria such as pseudomonas.
Denitrifying bacteria uses NO2- as electron aceeptor thus converting the nitrite ion (NO2-) to ammonium ion(NH4+).
a) The above reaction is a reduction reaction because NO2- or nitrite ion accept electron to generated its reduced form known as ammonium(NH4+).
b) NO2- acting as electron acceptor in this reaction.