Genius: A genius is showing great intelligence skill in a particular area of activity. For example, a mathematical genius.
Gifted: Having outstanding talent. For example, a gifted dancer.
Prodigy: A young person who is unusually intelligent for their age. For example, a child prodigy on the piano.
Savant: a person with great knowledge in a particular subject for example, a computer savant.
A, the audience’s reaction cuts into the speakers quote.
Remove pathos as it is an emotional appeal.This seems to be ethos or theme.
Randy Adderson, a soc, tells Ponyboy that he won't be showing up at the rumble that night because he's tired of the fighting. Randy also tells Ponyboy that Bob's parents spoiled him rotten. Bob was good looking and intelligent, and his parents allowed him to do whatever he wanted.
There are two dictionary definitions. 1) shaking or quivering slightly. 2)timid or nervous