Atlanta was a beautiful Greek woman, she could run faster than any other human. She didn't want to marry, so she creates a challenge. The only way a man could marry her was if he bet her in a race. Hippomenes or Melanion asked help to Aphrodite, she gave him three magical golden apples. He throws the apple into her path, Atlanta slows down to pick up the apple and Melanion won the race.
U didn't mention the following?!?!
A combination of political turmoil and ethnic tension between Serbs and Bosnian Muslims in the 1990s led to war and the worst genocide in Europe since the Holocaust. In this lesson, you'll learn more about the tragedy of the Bosnian
Hospitals take strict precautions to assure that nothing adulterates the blood supply.
** adulterate : render something poorer in quality by adding another substance, typically an inferior one.
Before ______, then _____happened