Well first you start off with the ideas that you wont to base your story off of just start putting thoughts together in your head about whatever you your writing just put all your inner thoughts and examples on one sheet of paper and feed off of them when your writing your paper go back and revise for the final draft that your going to write , all there is to writing a draft is your ideas and inner thoughts you come up with.
- Hope that this helps and have a BRaInLy DaY
Liz, who could always make people laugh, was loved by the whole block.
The correct objective summary of the passage above is B.
The answer is C) An explanation is informative, while an argument is persuasive. When someone is explaining something to you, they are giving you facts. They are trying to teach you with facts, not opinions. On the other hand, an argument is persuasive. They are trying to get you to take their side. It is not fact, it is opinion. Your answer is C.
You need to wait for 2 people to answer, then you can choose between those 2 answers to pick as brainliest. It will say mark as brainliest under the question :)