Hello There!
-Writers create forms of <u> </u><u>Ethos, Pathos and Logos </u> in their writings as to interact with the readers and to make their writings more interesting...
- Ethos - Ethos is a Greek word meaning "character'' that is mainly used to describe certain attitudes, cultures and forms in a writing.
- Pathos - Pathos is a form of writing that helps interact with the readers' feelings '' Pitiness, sadness. . .''
- Logos - Help with the creativity of the writing and of how interesting the writing is, of how the writing positively, psychologically help with the reading.
-Writers create specific tones by using these key elements to improve and to make their writings memorable and effective.
Hope This Helps!
I would say:
Our knight lives optimistically in a fictitious, idealistic past. Sancho withal aspires to a better life that he hopes to gain through accommodating as a squire. Their adventures are ecumenically illusory. Numerous well-bred characters relish and even nurture these illusions. Don Quixote and Sancho Panza live out a fairy tale.Virtually all these characters are of noble birth and mystically enchanted with excellent appearance and manners, concretely the women. And everything turns out for the best, all of the time. And so, once again, they live out a fairly tale. Here we have a miniature fairy tale within a more immensely colossal fairy tale. Outside of the fairy tale, perhaps, we have the down-to-earth well-meaning villagers of La Mancha and a couple of distant scribes, one of whom we ourselves read, indirectly. I struggle to understand the standpoint of the narrator. Is the novel contrasting a day-to-day and mundane authenticity with the grandiose pursuits of the world's elites? This seems to be the knight's final clientele. As for reading the novel as an allegory of Spain, perhaps, albeit why constrain it to Spain?
I hope this helps!!!!
Jancelle said she’s working harder than ever to make the cheerleading squad.
A tall quiet boy stood at the side of the court watching the tennis match.
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Sustenence is the word
the one that feeds my soul
The one that pumps my existence
Sustenence is the nurishment,
that fuels my being
It gives me hope
It gives me courage
It can be love, or perhaps a goodnight's rest
It can be the tender kiss of mum,
or the harsh words of a teacher
For sustience is everything that drives me