The spanish regents is extremely easy and is 70 percent multiple choice, 10 percent short-answer (2 100 word paragraphs) and 20 percent verbal (which you should have covered earlier on.)
As long as you can read spanish, and take away the meaning of what it's telling you, you'll be able to pass.
Both nylon and polyester are durable and light-weight synthetic fibres with properties like stretch resistance, wrinkle resistance, easy-care, and shrink resistance.
Espere progresso, crescimento mental e espiritual, ou seja espere o melhor
It's sabroso because sabroso means tasty. ;)
This paper is alive with sympathetic insight into Shakespeare (if you mean a sentence with the word insight) theres more in merriam webster dictionary. it gives you more example sentences
i-n-s-i-g-h-t (literally spelling insight)