they were protesting and they got shot by the national guard they are known as the little rock 9
The Declaration of Independence is organized into four parts: the introduction, the preamble, the list of grievances, and the resolution.
preamble = summary of justification (based on theory of government and human rights) Then. 3) the body specifies the 'particulars' a) indictment -- list of abuses of the king. b) denunciation of Parliament for not responding when they complained about these abuses before. 4) conclusion - actually declaring independence, on the basis of the
Women and minorities filled the jobs that opened up to them for the first time.
The writers of 1920s were known as the lost generation due to them being the post WW1 generation. Cultural, moral and spiritual values were lost as well as hatred towards others. In addition, writers from that era tender to focus on self rather than the world as around them.
Nomadic people (or nomads) are people who move from one place to another, instead of living in one place. The best known examples in Europe are gypsies, Roma, Sinti, and Irish travelers. Many other ethnic groups and communities are traditionally nomadic; such as Berbers, Kazakhs, and Bedouin.