For many Americans, the American Revolution chained their views of the enslavement of African Americans in that they started to view slavery as a hypocritical evil since they had just fought for their own "freedom" from Great Britain.
The eight-day Jewish celebration known as Hanukkah or Chanukah commemorates the rededication during the second century B.C. of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, where according to legend Jews had risen up against their Greek-Syrian oppressors in the Maccabean Revolt.
Reduces their power--elites in Latin America control economic and political aspects of society. Reforms would provide more groups with rights, reducing the influence of the elite.
In any country, elites often control the means of production and the political system. Reforms, especially coming from lower classes or oppressed groups, would potentially reduce the power and influence the elite group has. This has been true through many revolutionary movements.
the British victory over their colonial rebels would have deprived other potential revolutionary movements in the Spanish New World of their inspiration. Instead of America going to war with Mexico in 1848, it is likely that the expanded British New World Empire would have gone to war against, and likely won against, the Spanish North American colony. As part of the victory treaty, the Brits likely would have claimed the same territory from the New World Spanish possessions which the U.S. claimed from Mexico. However, by this point slavery would have been abolished, and therefore not a primary motivation of that war.
The French and Indian War began in 1754 and ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1763. The Great Britain gained territories in the North American, but disputes about policies and paying war's expenses led to colonial discontent. Taxation was created to pay back the debts. Stamp Act, Tea Act and Townsend Act were introduced. This ultimately led to the American Revolution.