This is the type of question, that you should really write yourself... Everyone has a different writing style.
Start off by defining all 5 of the terms.
Then, do a little recap on what you know on the terms. (EX: Boycott: Who boycotted? What did they boycott? Why did they boycott? etc)
Decide what your tone for the paragragh is going to be. ( Are you going to write a funny, fictional story about the colonies? or are you going to write an informational pparagraph about the colonies?
Hope this helps.... If you have any questions let me kow. :D
It was the action of mostly forming the Peace Corps that was most associated with this quote from President Kennedy, although it had to do with the Cold War.
He wanted to be more forgiving. His VP gave the south much more harsh treatment. Look into Lincoln’s 10% plan compared to his VP’s plan. That is how you’ll be able to differentiate between how he wanted to treat them and how they ended up getting treatedz
it allowed France and Russia to mobilize their militaries faster than Germany had thought possible.