I can be your BFF if you want....
It could be said that Parris is the reverent of the community and it is revealed that his daughter might be sick so he prays for her. She is in bed and she seems not to have a cure for her illness so his father believed that Hale might find a cure for her.
I think I would've really enjoyed this one when I was a kid. It's kind of a fiction/non-fiction hybrid. It's the story of Ryan O'Brian and his inability to stop composing poetry. It continues all day, and the reader is introduced to a variety of poetic forms. The story comes to a conclusion when Ryan's teacher gives the class a poetry-writing assignment... and Ryan finds that he's finally drawing a blank!
The answer is D. The audience is not receptive to the speaker's point of view.
An <em>euphemism </em>is a word or a sentence that you use when you want say something that the other person may find offensive or unpleasant.
For example:
- your parents may say that someone passed away rather that that person died.
- a boss may say that they had to let someone go, rather then saying they had to fire someone.
- a person may be called portly or big-boned rather then overweight or fat.