from "No Dogs Bark" "Are you crying. Ignacio? The memory of your mother makes you cry, doesn't it? But you never did anything fo
r her. You always repaid us badly. Somehow your body got filled with evil instead of affection." Which of the following words best describes the speaker's tone? a. aggravated*** b. judgemental c. offended d. pleading
The speaker's tone is b. judgemental. The narrator is accusing his son for being unthankful. He is only saving his son because of his mother, who he loved, and not because he loves his son.
"Tzotchke" is a Yiddish word that came from Russian.
It means a knick-knack, a toy, a gadget, a trinket, a charm, something tiny and cute and decorative. Like a set of six little glass ducks lined up in a row marching across a shelf.