1. Like living things, viruses have genetic material and 2. viruses can evolve.
- Viruses share many genes with their host cells. Viruses are dependent on living organisms, which lead to some living characteristics - they can reproduce/replicate in living host cells, mutate, appear in different strains, and have unique genetic material. However, viruses are classified as not living things because they can’t carry out the necessary processes that meet all requirements for the classification of a living thing. They do NOT undergo respiration and cannot generate energy needed to survive on its own, but viruses *do* share a few features with living things.
Apoptosis is programmed cell death. The body is this to get rid of unneeded or abnormal. The body will get rid of cells with damaged DNA before they can become cancerous.
Answer: A branched polymer has greater terminal glucose residues in comparison to a unbranched polymer of the same molecular weight resulting in a higher number of terminal glucose residues required to be mobilized when energy is demanded. Enzyme and polymer evolve together to meet the dire need for rapid mobilization.
In comparison to an unbranched polymer, a branched polymer has a more compact and symmetrical molecular conformation with a greater terminal glucose residue. It can be broken down easily when energy is needed. For instance, the branched form of starch, amylopetin, in the small intestine starch is hydrolyzed to form glucose which is converted to biochemical energy and stored for later use.
False, because not all dinosaurs are the same