Producer's: They make their own food,they don't have to obtain energy from other organisms,They obtain energy from the sun.
Consumers: Is an organism that feeds on plants or other animals for energy,there are four types of consumers herbivores and carnivores,omnivores and detritivores.
Decomposer:They break down organic material such as the remains of dead organisms.
<em>Organisms that are eaten by the mayfly will increase.</em>
<em>Organisms that eat mayfly will decrease at first.</em>
<em>Organisms that eat mayfly would consume more of other organisms in their diet</em>
her get killed or they will migrate from the stream that is polluted. The population of the organisms on which the mayfly larva fed would increase as it will have a lesser number of predators now.
On the other hand, the organisms which fed on the mayfly would decrease at first as they will have a lesser amount of food available. They might find another source of food in order to survive.
Decaying matter is called compost
D:) sunlight
Sunlight is one of the resources that are available in limited quantity in water bodies as compared to the land habitats since sunlight can penetrate up to a certain depth in water. However, land habitats have ample of sunlight available for plants. During early colonization of land habitats, dense forests were not present on land which in turn made even more sunlight available to the land plants of all height. Sunlight is one of the required factors to support plant growth and development.