Answer:either outline a strategy For ending war. Or he gathered
Together a number of advisors and had them put together a plan
For peace. Or Wilson wanted the end of the war to bring out lasting
Paste for the world
It allowed the soil in the field to regain it nutrients
Her birthday marks the first entry
Answer: Feudalism, social relations, and the order of medieval Europe.
- It isn't effortless to find the positive sides of this social relationship. This is because the Feudal System is not tailor-made for all members of one society. From this distance, that order is not fair. Still, it was the only way for the serfs to survive. The feudal system guaranteed the farmer a certain amount of crops. That part was enough to feed the farmer and his family.
- The right to land that the feudal lord gave to the peasant is quite debatable. He laid claim to the property by his lineage, attachment, and closeness to the rulers of the whole country. The farmer had to work only part of the year for the feudal lord, and for one period during the year, he cultivated the land only for himself. The disadvantage of the system is that the farmer did not have any protection on a feudal estate. So the feudal lord could drive him away at any time. Therefore, the peasant was dependent on the landowner at all times, he had no rights, and therefore we can view this social order in a negative context.