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Total number of tickets sold to an adult is 263 and ticket sold to a student is 160.
- Create 3 columns Ticket, Number of ticket sold and total.
- Create 2 rows Adult and Children.
- Adult ticket is 10$ each and children ticket is unknown.
- Total ticket sold is 423 and Sales revenue is $3510?
- Since last digit of 3510 ends in 0 it will be easy to calculate Children
- An estimate to be taken since children ticket is mostly half of Adult.
- lets take 5$ for student and 10$ is already given.
- Answers does not show accurate it has to be a decimal.
- So we found out 10$ of 263 equals 2630 for adult.
- We found out 5.50$ of 160 equals 880 for student.
- It sums up to 3510
This chosen passage from "The City Without Us" by Alan Weisman describes the <em>transformational force</em> that nature can inflict over urban civilizations by completing altering any city's landscape, and altering North American societies as a whole in a future in which the possibility of more powerful and frequent hurricanes hitting the Atlantic Coast seems more plausible .
Hence the correct answer is B. The passage shows the effect of natural forces, such as hurricanes, to highlight how nature, over time, will erode artifacts of urban civilization.