1. Advanced Cities
As farmers settled in the fertile river valley, they began to grow surplus or extra food. This extra food increased the population of the settlement that led to the formation of cities
2. Organized Central Government
Definition: a government with rules and way of voting or control
3. Complex Religions
Definition: a set of spiritual beliefs, values, and practices
4. Job Specialization
Definition: specific jobs with requirements or specialties
5. Social Classes
Definition: a broad group in society having common economic,
cultural, or political status/ Distinguished from other groups by such things as wealth, property, and rights
6. Writing
Definition: to trace or form (characters, letters, words, etc.) on the surface of some material, as with a pen, pencil, or other instrument
7. Art and Architecture
Definition: the arts and artwork of a thing, place, time, person, etc.; human creations intended to express beauty and convey messages Architecture: the buildings and style or architecture of a thing, place, time, person, etc.
8. Public Works
Definition: structures, as roads, dams, or post offices, paid for by government funds for public use.
These are the principles of popular sovereignty, limited government, separation of powers, checks and balances, judicial review, and federalism
This Means That Although There Is A central governmen, A Significant Potion Of Power has been Distributed To The State governments As Well. That means the state governments have a capacity to govern themselves and the central government cannot harm this state freedom.
Before, trains, cars, airplanes and trucks existed, rivers were used for travel. They carried people and goods. However, this way of transportation was very slow. All that changed with the arrival of the steamboat in the late 1700s and early 1800s. The steamboat could travel at the amazing speed of 5 miles per hour. It soon changed all over river travel and trade and dominated the waterways.
A valley is an elongated low area often running between hills or mountains, which will typically contain a river or stream running from one end to the other. Most valleys are formed by erosion of the land surface by rivers or streams over a very long period of time. Some valleys are formed through erosion by glacial ice. These glaciers may remain present in valleys in high mountain or polar areas. At lower latitudes and altitudes, these glacially formed valleys may have been created or enlarged during ice ages but now are ice-free and occupied by streams or rivers. In desert areas, valleys may be entirely dry or carry a watercourse only rarely. In areas of limestone bedrock, dry valleys may also result from drainage taking place underground rather than at the surface. Rift valleys arise principally from earth movements, rather than erosion. Many different types of valley are described by geographers, using terms that may be global in use or else applied only locally.