Zealous (adjective): showing passion for something
1) The zealous ace student studied every single day to make sure that he would pass his exams
Scruples (noun): a hesitating because you’re worrying if an action is moral or not
2) Although he had scruples about conducting the scam, he still continued to ensure that he would make money
Answer: "alliteration".
Refer to: "prized possession" .
To have no empathy means to not care about how your decisions and behavior effects someone else.
-This is valuable in relationships because you would not want to hurt the other persons feelings.
-When there is no empathy, the 2 will eventually grow apart and stop loving eachother.
-I have shown it by respecting my parents, friends, and family, and have been careful with how I speak to them.
Friend, bud, mate, pal, i think