Both countries engaged in the mass killing of innocent people in conquered territories.
As the war dragged on, the Union's advantages in factories, railroads, and manpower put the Confederacy at a great disadvantage.
We had the Cold War. It was called the Cold War because no military force was used in the war. It was mainly a technology race to try and scare the other country and come out superior. Espionage was also used in the war, but there was no man on man combat, and war with atomic/nuclear weapons was not conducted. I hope that answered your question, my friend.
The 18th Vice President was William R. King and his term was from March 4th to April 18th, 1853.
Partisanship has not been that useful because it divided people on many things because most things are turned into partisan issues. Even when something is supported by both sides, one side will go against it just to spite it. Partisanship was also a problem in recent years because of the difference in what president was from which party in comparison to the majority in the congress, so the president couldn't do much. Also, people became much more radicalized than before.