A stores code for later re-use
To find - What is the purpose of saving code snippets?
Solution -
Code Snippet" is used to describe a small portion of re-usable source code, machine code, or text.
They allow a programmer to avoid typing repetitive code during the course of routine programming.
The correct option is - A stores code for later re-use
I guess the correct answer is plant system pathway
Thе plant systеms pathway includеs οccupatiοns rеlatеd tο grοwing fοοd, fееd, and fibеr crοps, and thе study οf plantsand thеir grοwth tο hеlp prοducеrs mееt cοnsumеr dеmand whilе cοnsеrving natural rеsοurcеs and maintaining thе еnvirοnmеnt.
In his work for a new company, Byron found a flower material that he could use to manufacture dresses. In his career, Byron is most likely focused on the plant system pathway.
The correct answer for the given question is "The program has a runtime NullPointerException because test is null while executing test.x"
In this code their is run time exception will occur in Main method i.e "java.lang.NullPointerException "because the object of the Test class i.e test will initialized by "null" .So on executing the statement test.x it gives an Runtime Exception.The "NullPointerException" can occur if we assign the object to the "null" value that why it produce an java.lang.NullPointerException
missing quotation marks around a string literal
- public class FindDuplicate{
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- Scanner input = new Scanner(;
- int n = 5;
- int arr[] = new int[n];
- for(int i=0; i < arr.length; i++){
- int inputNum = input.nextInt();
- if(inputNum >=1 && inputNum <=n) {
- arr[i] = inputNum;
- }
- }
- for(int j =0; j < arr.length; j++){
- for(int k = 0; k < arr.length; k++){
- if(j == k){
- continue;
- }else{
- if(arr[j] == arr[k]){
- System.out.println("True");
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- System.out.println("False");
- }
- }
Firstly, create a Scanner object to get user input (Line 4).
Next, create an array with n-size (Line 7) and then create a for-loop to get user repeatedly enter an integer and assign the input value to the array (Line 9 - 14).
Next, create a double layer for-loop to check the each element in the array against the other elements to see if there is any duplication detected and display "True" (Line 21 - 22). If duplication is found the program will display True and terminate the whole program using return (Line 23). The condition set in Line 18 is to ensure the comparison is not between the same element.
If all the elements in the array are unique the if block (Line 21 - 23) won't run and it will proceed to Line 28 to display message "False".