In Elizabethan theater, the lighting was natural, adding only candles or torches, as most of the plays were performed during the day or afternoon. In modern theater, lighting is artificial and carefully planned to establish mood, control the audience´s focus of attention and enhance the meaning of the play.
While In Elizabethan theater plays were performed in courtyards, Inn-yards, playhouses, and amphitheaters where actors had to rely on the power of their voices to reach the audience, in modern theater microphones can be used to help the audience hear the actors during a play.
While In Elizabethan theater crowds could cheer and boo actors during the performance, as the theater was designed for the actor to speak with and directly to the audience, in the modern theater the crowd maintains silence during the performance and the actors do not speak nor acknowledge the audience.
In modern theatre, the most expensive seats are in front of the stage, in opposition to Elizabethan theatre where the cheap seats were in the front and the expensive seats were above and behind the players.
When John F. Kennedy became president in January 1961, Americans had the perception that the United States was losing the "space race" with the Soviets. President Kennedy understood the need and had the vision of not only matching the Soviets, but surpassing them. On May 25, 1961, he stood before Congress and proclaimed that “this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before the decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth.”
On September 12, 1962, President Kennedy delivered a speech describing his goals for the nation’s space effort before a crowd of 35,000 people in the football stadium at Rice University in Houston, Texas.
Because the co-workers Rita kept her eyes on her work and never said much. Laura concluded that Rita wasn't very smart. When a new procedure was introduced on their floor, Laura made several errors. Rita showed her a simple way to remember each step.