The answer is informal I believe.
In context of her article, by intelligent citizens Liaugminas means the readers who do not just go with what they witness but figure out if it sounds valid and researched.
Sheila Gribben Liaugminas tries to explain the various biased insights of media and news. In her article "How the media twists the news", she argues the need to look deeper into what the news gives to the world and not just believe it.
In context of her article, by intelligent citizens Liaugminas means the readers who do not just go with what they witness but figure out if it sounds valid and researched.
The meaning of this term changes her initial definition of intelligent news consumers and effective in her call to action using this term is she requests every reader and public to be an intelligent citizen and consumers of what the receive from the media, she asks the public to act on false news instead of believing it..
The article shows how frontline professionals are in a situation of insecurity. This can cause these professionals to be influenced to leave their posts. For this reason, the situation must be treated with rationality and understanding.
<h3>How does the article address the issue of frontline professionals?</h3>
- The article shows that frontline professionals have been overwhelmed during the pandemic.
- The article shows that their workday has been very exhausting.
- The article shows that they have taken risks during the pandemic.
- The article shows that the population has blamed these professionals.
- The article shows that the population has made the population's work difficult.
The situation of frontline professionals has been something very delicate, because, in addition to the exhausting work, the population has not contributed to the comfort of these professionals, insulting and attacking them.
This requires a rational and objective positioning, where the population understands the importance of the work of these professionals and the need to contribute to good service and reduction of cases.
More information about the pandemic at the link: