They were treated poorly because of the same reason the Nazi's treated adult jews; it was because of their heritage. After they were sent into camps, it did not matter how old they were, no one was spared of his wrath.
If you want to know exactly what happened to them with great visuals, I suggest plugging "Children of The Holocaust" into YouTube and finding a great visual explanation to go along with your research.
It took 6000 hours......................
Betty Friedan was an early leader of the feminist movement in the United States. Her important book, <em>The Feminine Mystique,</em> published in 1963, argued that women in America were being misled into an unfulfilling and unhappy way of life. They were made to believe that fulfillment and happiness as a woman came from being a wife, mother, homemaker. But Friedan's studies of women showed that women were not happy just from that, that they were hungering for something else. Their whole identity was coming from their roles or relationships to others in the home, not from who they actually were themselves.
Friedan's book challenged the existing patterns that existed in American society and pushed for women to have more of their own value for their own sake. As she said (in chapter one): "We can no longer ignore the voice within women that says, 'I want something more than my husband and my children and my home.'"
D. 1800s because that's when Cuba, Puerto Rico and Mexico gained independence