Something indirect is not hitting the target exactly. Indirect sunlight doesn't shine right on you it reflects off a window or is muted by a shade.
He is both excited and fearful after hearing the witches' prediction about his future because the witches told Macbeth that he would be king, and he is worried about his role in making the prediction come true.
Diary Keeping it is usually a written record of personal experiences and observations. It is also a daily record of events or measurable phenomena, usually kept to track patterns over time. A book or computer file can be used for keeping such a record.
Record Keeping it is the maintenance of a history of one's activities, as financial dealings, by entering data in ledgers or journals, putting documents in files.
to Kill a Mockingbird," Boo Radley, who has been a recluse for the last fifteen years, captures the imagination of the children. In Chapter 5, Jem and Dill attempt to send a message to Boo by tying it to a fishing pole, then casting it toward his window. However, Atticus catches them and they are forbidden to go to the Radley place without being invited. But, in Chapter 6, on a dare Jem and Dill decide to peep into the Raley's house window. When a shot rings out, Jem hastens to safety so quickly that he catches his pants upon the fence and must remove them. Later, he bravely returns for his pants, which Boo has mended. This episode alters Jem's perception of Boo Radley as the kindness of the bizarre captive of fifteen years touches Jem.
These episodes further the theme of maturation in Harper Lee's novel. The Radley place affords the children a chance to prove their bravery. And, when Atticus scolds them, they display character by not talking back to him. Also, they begin to become concerned with people's feelings who are outside their immediate circle.
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