The woman lays still, blood pooling around her body as people crowd around her. She's cold to the touch, skin growing more pale as each second passes.
i think its this let me know if it helped!
This is of course a somewhat subjective question, but most would agree that it is generally not acceptable for the US to engage in unilateral rather than multilateral military action overseas, unless there is a direct threat to the safety of the US, since there is almost always collateral damage in these attacks.
The three witches meet on a heath - This is how the play opens.
The witches hail Macbeth as Thane of Cawdor - It is Act 1, Scene 3
Duncan arrives at Inverness - Duncan arrives to with his attendant outside Macbeth's castle.
Lady Macbeth places the bloodstained daggers near Duncan’s guards.
Macbeth kills Duncan
Malcolm and Donalbain flee to safety - Act 2, Scene 3. When Malcolm and Donalbain flee the murder site.