The following are the program in the Python Programming Language.
#define function
def discount(prices, isPet, nItems):
# declare and initialize variables to 0
i = 0
cost = 0
pets = 0
item = 0
item_Cost = 0
#set the while loop
while(i < nItems):
#check the items of the variable
if isPet[i]:
#add and initialize in the cost
cost += prices[i]
#increament in the variable by 1
pets += 1
#add and initialize in the item_Cost
item_Cost += prices[i]
#increament in the variable by 1
item += 1
#then increment in the variable by 1
i += 1
#check the pet is greater than equal to 1
#and item is greater than equal to 5
if(pets >= 1 and item >=5):
#then, print the message
print("You receive discount")
#set discount of the items
discount = 0.2 * item_Cost
# calculate bill after deducting discount
bill = cost + item_Cost - discount
#print the bill
print("Final Bill amount is", bill)
#print the message
print("You do not receive any discount")
#calculate bill without deducting discount
bill = cost + item_Cost
#print the final bill
print("Final Bill amount is", bill)
#set empty list type variables
price = []
pet = []
#set the infinite loop
while True:
#get input from the user
sprice = int(input("Enter the price (-1 to quit): "))
#check that price is not equal to the -1
if(sprice != -1):
#add price in the list
#ask for choice from the user
choice = input("Is it a pet (Y / N)? ")
#check the choice of the user is y or Y
if(choice == 'Y' or choice == 'y'):
# then, add in the pet
#not add in the pet
#break the loop
#declare variable that store the length
items = len(price)
#call and initialize the variable
discount(price, pet, items)
Enter the price (-1 to quit): 96
Is it a pet (Y / N)? y
Enter the price (-1 to quit): 69
Is it a pet (Y / N)? n
Enter the price (-1 to quit): 41
Is it a pet (Y / N)? n
Enter the price (-1 to quit): 52
Is it a pet (Y / N)? n
Enter the price (-1 to quit): 96
Is it a pet (Y / N)? n
Enter the price (-1 to quit): 74
Is it a pet (Y / N)? n
Enter the price (-1 to quit): -1
You receive discount
Final Bill amount is 361.6
<u>The following are the description of the program</u>.
- Firstly, define the function 'discount()' and pass the arguments 'prices', 'isPet' and 'nItems' in its parameter.
- Then, declare and initialize the variables 'i' to 0, 'item_Cost' to 0
- , item to 0, 'cost' to 0 and 'pets' to 0.
- Then, set the while loop to add the price of the items and the cost of the pets.
- Set the if-else conditional statement to check the pet is greater than equal to 1 and the items are greater than equal to 5 then, set the discount and print the bill after deduction.
- Otherwise, print the bill without deduction.
- Finally, set two list type variable then, set the infinite while loop that gets input from the user and check that the variable is not equal to -1 then append the data in the list then again check the user input then append in pet otherwise not append in pet and break the loop. Then, set the variable that stores the length of the price and call the following function by passing arguments in its parameter.