Query data
Arrange data in certain order
Update information in more than one place at the same time
Merge data into a word processing document
Calculate loan payment is something you could possibly make a database do, but more likely you would simply use a spreadsheet. Databases are mostly for for storing, retrieving, sorting and manipulating data.
Answer: The first line intent
The first line intent is one of the type of intent and the first line of the text are mainly starts from the left margin. It is one of the most common method to start the line or text with the new paragraph. We use the tab key for creating the first line indent in the word.
In the first line indent the second line are basically known as the succeeding line of the text that contain the various indented bullets.
Use symbols and a different password for each one
We use a cubic equation in which the variables and coefficients all take on values in the set of integers from 0 through p - 1 and in which calculations are performed modulo p for a __Prime Curve_ over Zp.
Two families of elliptic curves are used in cryptographic applications
- Binary curves over GF(2m):
- Prime Curves over Zp.
Gear reduction = driven gear teeth / driving gear teeth
First stage reduction :
Driven gear teeth = 36
Driving gear teeth = 12
36 /12 = 3
Second stage reduction :
Driven gear teeth = 60
Driving gear teeth = 12
60 /12 = 5
First stage + second stage
3 + 5 = 8