Merchants and farmers benefited from this policy.
Merchants became able to trade with other people and increased their numbers of consumers because they could leave the borders of the Song. They also benefited by bringing foreing goods.
Farmers benefited from this policy because they had the possibility to sell their products in a bigger market.
Question 3) Which is truer of you? a) I have little interest in computer games or b) I would miss computer games if I couldn’t play anymore.
Forced choice questions in a survey are designed to force respondents to express an opinion or attitude - so, there's no 'neutral' option, like in question 3.
D. Launching a filibuster
Filibustering has long been a source of outside interest for the US Senate. Traditionally, 60 votes or a "supermajority" are needed to vote to end a filibuster. In 2013, Sen. Harry Reid pushed for an amendment that would require only a simple majority when it came to judicial and executive branch nominees (the Senate's Advise and Consent role) and the Republicans recently expanded this to the Supreme Court.
The median and interquartile range.