Chaucer uses a lot of Irony in his small story's.
The monster is a very intricate character: He's innocent but murders, he's loving but also filled with hatred, he loves humans but is tormented by them. The monster tells Victor that he was born a loving person, and was forced to kill William, Elizabeth, and Clerval. (He tells Walton that he didn't actually enjoy killing them, and that he hated himself more every time he did it) Eventually, once Victor dies, the monster says that he's in complete anguish, and vows to travel into the North Pole and set himself on fire.
Should there be a picture or something?
Atticus Finch teaches empathy to the kids by representing and defending Tom Robinson. He also make Jem read to Mrs. Dubose. This teaches the kid to care for others and that the world sometimes isn't fair. Also, Atticus Finch hits everyone with the realization that their social norms are wrong. In Tom Robinson's case, he clearly demonstrates Robinson's innocence. However, only because he is black, the jury says he is guilty. He spent a whole night guarding Robinson's cell so that no one would attack him. Overall, Atticus Finch demonstrates empathy, and by doing so he teaches everyone else.