They are at a standstill with each other and can make business happen with each other. Therefore they're like associates or friends working together to better themselves.
393 units will need to be sold to breakeven
Break even point is the point where a Company makes neither makes a profit nor a loss.
Step 1 : Calculate new variables
New Sales = $250 x 1.40 = $350
Variable Costs = $250 x 30 % = $75
New Fixed Costs = $120,000 x 90 % = $108,000
Step 2 : Break even (units)
Break even (units) = Fixed Costs ÷ Contribution per unit
= $108,000 ÷ ($350 - $75)
= 393 units
Thus, 393 units will need to be sold to breakeven
firstly; the area to start with. find out more about the place. Their income and the rate at which goods are sold there.
A) save domestic jobs
Domestic jobs: These are the categories of jobs that are available in the national country of the company or within the boundary of the country, which has a preference for the local population and has more responsibility toward national´s resources, however, foreign companies have less responsibility toward national´s resources and their sole motive is to earn profit at a lesser cost.
In the given case, Japanese company´s export to the U.S have affected the domestic jobs as their motive is to maximize profit, which leads to an argument for protection of domestic job in U.S auto industry, therefore, US government have limited the export of Japanese automaker.
That statement is true.
Basically, You put your money in saving if you intended to use that money for future consumption. You put your money in investment if you intended to make financial gain out of it.
For example,
Let's say that you want to buy a laptop that cost $700. You only able to spend $350 per month since you have to consider other more important payment such as rent or food. So you set aside $350 for two month and purchase the laptop at the end of the second month. This is an example of saving.
In another case let's say that you put that $350 in Bonds rather than purchasing laptop. You Let that bond mature and take a 3% interest as profit. Two month later, the value of your money is increased. This is an example of an investment.