A song with a time signature of 4/4 has four beats in a measure, and is counted like this: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4, etc. By far, 4/4 is the most common time signature you'll run into. In fact, 4/4 is so common that it is often called common time.
The time signature is written at the beginning of the staff after the clef and key signature. Time signatures consist of two numbers written like a fraction. The top number of the time signature tells you how many beats to count. This could be any number.
Wrong let me tell you why.
This is wrong because I am an Artist myself, When you mix red and green it creates a brown color. To get orange you would need to mix Red and Yellow. Hope this helps Mate.
The answer would be 1.5 beats because when there is a dot it means it’s 1.5 times the original note.
I would say, the three purposes of theater is communication, entertainment, and for spiritual reasons. However the most provoking and interesting one is the communication. Mainly because it lets the audience create connections with there everyday life as we speak. And may even increase our brains and let us gain new knowledge so we can become better people. It also will let us be able to start more conversations with our peers who have seen it and can relate to that specific film.Hope this helps. (;
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um no choices there but i would say probably cleaning a bathroom or cleaning throwup up